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Food Systems

From soil and seed to packaging and processing.

Johnny Sundstrom, a local rancher and conservationist.

Johnny Sundstrom, a local rancher and conservationist.

A Rancher and a Conservationist Since time immemorial, the Siuslaw Basin’s watershed has supported habitat for salmon. However, over the past 200 years our region has undergone significant changes. During that time, native people, along with their traditional values and historic stewardship of our watershed’s resources, were rapidly supplanted by commercial fishing, timber harvesting and agriculture. These impacts have significantly altered the economic, cultural and ecological characteristics of the watershed as a whole. Johnny Sundstrom, local rancher and long-time conservationist brings his energy and unique perspectives to land management and the challenges of ecological restoration. In nearly five decades of living here, he has seen major shifts in social and biological approaches, agency responses, and in attitudes toward the uses and availability of the region’s natural resources.  Throughout his time here, Johnny has contributed to the growing awareness of the deep, mutually dependent connections between the health of salmon, the health of our home lands and waters, and our communities.  As Johnny says when talking about his involvement with our work and restoration goals, “You just can’t have a forest like this without these fish.” Coho salmon spend up to 18 months in freshwater streams, and then three years in the ocean, feeding and growing. When these large, mature salmon return to the rivers of their birth, they bring back the bounty of the ocean.  When their carcasses are eaten, digested, and deposited across the landscape by countless animals, birds, and insects they become an integral part of the forest food-chain, from stream bed to understory. And, as rivers flow back to the sea, these nutrients feed ocean life and fuel the cycle all over again.
SFA Podcast: Bob Quinn; How truly organic farming can strengthen rural communities & the environment

SFA Podcast: Bob Quinn; How truly organic farming can strengthen rural communities & the environment

Bob Quinn is an organic regenerative farmer from Big Sandy, Montana. He speaks with us about how our current mass agricultural model is not working & the benefits of returning to a nature based method of farming; for creating profits for farmers, offering a key to climate change, & preventing chronic disease in our population. This conversation is for farmers who need the entry points to transition to organic, and for all of you who enjoy EATING FOOD! Our food and how it is grown affects everything about our body and environment. This conversation gives a little "behind the scenes" look into what goes into that food, the people growing it, and what is at stake if we don't stand up for it. This summer, a bill was introduced in the House with bipartisan support. The bill is called the "Growing Climate Solutions Act" and it will push the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop programs for farmers and foresters to sequester carbon into their soils, and put money in their pockets for doing so. Stories for Action loves stories about collaboration and about healthy soils, so we see the potential for a positive start with this bill. This is the first of two episodes in which we will be looking at stories around this bill. In our next episode we will speak with the Senior Government Relations Representative from the National Farmer's Union.  More on Bob Quinn:IG: @bobquinnorganicfarmer Stories for Action’s mission is to share the human connection around a thriving environment. Our aim is to bridge divides and prove that we can and must unite around creating a regenerative society. Join us in this podcast series for conversations with people taking bold steps and offering calls to action, inspiring you to find your role in creating a healthy planet for all. Subscribe to our podcasts on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, or Podbean Share with others! Join our community!: Find a story & get inspired to find your role. Submit your own story for us to share. Join the Storyteller's Network if you are an artist or media creator looking to use your work for environmental advocacy. Visit our site: Instagram & Facebook: @StoriesforAction Twitter: @Stories4Action #farmer #organic #farming #farm #rancher #montana #bigsky #kamut #regenerative #soilhealth #foodie #foodsystems #food #healthyfood #mongolia #farmbureau #organicfarming #rural #america #soil #soilhealth #climate #stories #wheat #ancientgrains #chemicals #glyphosate #usda #naturespath #bobsredmill #bigsandy #health #republican #democrat #climateaction
SFA Podcast: Growing Climate Solutions: What It Means for Farmers

SFA Podcast: Growing Climate Solutions: What It Means for Farmers

Between effects of climate change, costs of inputs and production, and market hits, it is difficult for farmers to make gains outside of government subsidies. But what if farmers could help to mitigate climate change, increase the resiliency of the land, and put money in their pockets while doing so? In June 2020, a climate related bill was proposed...with strong bipartisan support in both the House and Senate. The Growing Climate Solutions Act would create a USDA program to encourage farmers, ranchers, and foresters to become an active part of the carbon market. It would encourage practices that create healthier soil, allowing more carbon to be captured in the ground, and paying out money from the carbon market to the farmer. In this episode we speak with Jenny Hopkinson, Senior Government Relations Representative for the National Farmer's Union. Jenny tells us about the variety of solutions that farmers can lead the way on, and why it is important for their input to help shape this legislation. Check out the full episode by subscribing to the Stories for Action podcast on Apple iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, or Google Podcasts. In each episode, we speak with those taking bold actions to inspire you to find your role in a thriving planet. More info on the National Farmer's Unions: @nationalfarmersunion Stories for Action’s mission is to share the human connection around a thriving environment. Our aim is to bridge divides and prove that we can and must unite around creating a regenerative society. Join us in this podcast series for conversations with people taking bold steps and offering calls to action, inspiring you to find your role in creating a healthy planet for all. Subscribe to our podcasts on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, or Podbean Share with others! Join our community!: Find a story & get inspired to find your role. Submit your own story for us to share. Join the Storyteller's Network if you are an artist or media creator looking to use your work for environmental advocacy. Visit our site: Instagram & Facebook: @StoriesforAction Twitter: @Stories4Action #farmers #climate #carbonmarket #ranchers #forester #GrowingClimateSolutionsAct #climateaction #farm #farming #indiana #michigan #NationalFarmersUnion #policy #bipartisan #climate #sequester #soil #soilhealth #regenerative #regenerativeag #soilscience #USDA #midwest #nebraska #iowa
SFA Podcast: Maia Wikler; uplifting stories of youth on the frontlines of climate injustices

SFA Podcast: Maia Wikler; uplifting stories of youth on the frontlines of climate injustices

Subscribe on iTunes, Google Podcasts, or Spotify for the full episode. Maia Wikler is an anthropologist, climate justice organizer, and writer whose work has appeared in Teen Vogue and VICE. Maia is a true positive change maker; using her skills of writing, film, and community organizing to advocate for those on the frontlines of climate change. A great deal of her work focuses on uplifting youth leadership, Indigenous communities, and human rights. She was a youth delegate at the UN Climate Talks in 2017 as a member of the organization SustainUS. Maia is currently a PhD candidate in Political Ecology at the University of Victoria. She is directing a short documentary film featuring the Gwich’in women who are leading the fight to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Maia was recently selected as a National Geographic Early Career Explorer to document cross-border stories about the threats to wild salmon from mining in Northern British Columbia. Maia speaks with us about the impact of storytelling, youth leadership, and how we can all find our role in defending against climate injustice. Stories for Action’s mission is to share the human connection around a thriving environment. Our aim is to bridge divides and prove that we can and must unite around creating a regenerative society. Join us in this podcast series for conversations with people taking bold steps and offering calls to action, inspiring you to find your role in creating a healthy planet for all. Subscribe to our podcasts on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, or Podbean Share with others! Join our community!: Find a story & get inspired to find your role. Submit your own story for us to share. Join the Storyteller's Network if you are an artist or media creator looking to use your work for environmental advocacy. Visit our site: Instagram & Facebook: @StoriesforActionTwitter: @Stories4Action #ClimateCrisis #Environmentaljustice #environment #storytelling #vice #teenvogue #climate #youth #SustainUs #Sunrisemovement #NationalGeographic #Canada #Indigenous #DefendtheSacred #NativeYouth #sunrise #Native #stories #oralhistory #waterislife #sacred #Colorado #BritishColumbia #UBC #Philadelphia #climateaction #GreenNewDeal #frontline #environmentaljustice #humanrights #intersectionalenvironmentalism #nature #borderwall #fridaysforthefuture #schoolstrike
SFA Podcast: Jessie Thomas; Fighting wildfires, the power of food, & the impact of mothers' voices

SFA Podcast: Jessie Thomas; Fighting wildfires, the power of food, & the impact of mothers' voices

As wildfires are currently burning across the western US, we speak with Jessie Thomas about her experience fighting wildfires as a smokejumper and her business Sustainable Wellness, which promotes lifestyles and nutrition for human and environmental sustainability. She also speaks about the need for new voices in leadership and mothers' critical role in climate action. Stories for Action’s mission is to share the human connection around a thriving environment. Our aim is to bridge divides and prove that we can and must unite around creating a regenerative society. Join us in this podcast series for conversations with people taking bold steps and offering calls to action, inspiring you to find your role in creating a healthy planet for all. Subscribe to our podcasts on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, or Podbean Find a story & get inspired to find your role. Submit your own story for us to share. Join the Storyteller's Network if you are an artist or media creator looking to use your work for environmental advocacy. Visit our site: Instagram & Facebook: @StoriesforAction Twitter: @Stories4Action Join our community!: #wildfires #california #montana #oregon #washington #mountainmama #motherhood #workingmom #climatechange #climateactionnow #bipartisan #intersectionalenvironmentalist #environmentalist #conservation #landmanagement #wilderness #forestfire #fires #smokejumper #mountains #missoula #climate #foodsystems #organic #regenerative #nutrition #moms #sustainable #sustainability
His Epic Message Will Make You Want to Save the World | Short Film Showcase

His Epic Message Will Make You Want to Save the World | Short Film Showcase

As the human population continues to grow, so does our impact on the environment. In fact, recent research has shown that three-quarters of Earth’s land surface is under pressure from human activity. In this short film, spoken word artist Prince Ea makes a powerful case for protecting the planet and challenges the human race to create a sustainable future. Winner of the Film4Climate competition organized by the Connect4Climate Program of the World Bank ( ➡ Subscribe: ➡ Get More Short Film Showcase: About Short Film Showcase: The Short Film Showcase spotlights exceptional short videos created by filmmakers from around the web and selected by National Geographic editors. We look for work that affirms National Geographic's belief in the power of science, exploration, and storytelling to change the world. The filmmakers created the content presented, and the opinions expressed are their own, not those of National Geographic Partners. See more from National Geographic's Short Film Showcase at Get More National Geographic: Official Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Read more about the impact humans have on the environment: Three Seconds: His Epic Message Will Make You Want to Save the World | Short Film Showcase National Geographic
Activators Series: Rodale Institute; Local Food Systems During COVID-19

Activators Series: Rodale Institute; Local Food Systems During COVID-19

The Rodale Institute is a global leader in the organic and regenerative food movement. We chat with Rodale's Food Production Specialist, Jesse Barrett, about the importance of and impact on local food systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also discuss tips for chefs and farmers to increase their local food sourcing and what actions you can take to be more self sufficient with your food supply and how to help communities that are experiencing food insecurity. Stories for Action's "Activators" video podcast series features conversations with leaders from different sectors who are taking positive action for a thriving planet. This is the second episode in the series. Follow Stories for Action, where we use the power of storytelling to cultivate a thriving planet. We focus on stories that bridge divides and use cross-sector partnerships. We focus on solutions stemming around food systems, Indigenous Advocacy, and ecological economies. We know that an improved relationship with the environment will lead to healthy communities, strong economies, and thriving nature; we share the stories of solutions and inspiration to advance this shift. Join our Community! Submit your story, find a story, or join the Storyteller's Network: Follow us on: Facebook: Instagram: @StoriesforAction Twitter: @Stories4Action #Rodale #regenerative #agriculture #covid19 #Pennsylvania #storiesforaction #farm #localfood #organic #lehighvalley #foodsystems #recipes #Allentown #soil #soilscience #farmer #farmersmarket #food #local #equity #fooddesert #climate #carbon #industrialagriculture Music from
How Green Roofs Can Help Cities | NPR

How Green Roofs Can Help Cities | NPR

We took a field trip to the largest green roof in New York City. Then we imagined what the city could be like if all of its roof space was green. Note: A previous version of this video incorrectly thanked the Audubon Society. We meant to thank the NYC Audubon Society. ------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe to NPR on YouTube: Follow NPR elsewhere, too: • Twitter: • Facebook: • Instagram: • Tumblr: • Snapchat: ABOUT NPR NPR connects to audiences on the air, on demand, online, and in person. More than 26 million radio listeners tune in to NPR stations each week and more than 36 million unique visitors access each month making NPR one of the most trusted sources of news and insights on life and the arts. NPR is also the leading publisher of podcasts, with 36 original shows and an average of 4 million listeners per week. NPR shares compelling stories, audio and photos with millions of social media users on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Snapchat; NPR News and NPR One apps, online streaming, podcasts, iTunes radio and connected car dashboards help meet audiences where they are. NPR's live events bring to the stage two-way conversations between NPR hosts and the audience in collaboration with the public radio Member Station community. This robust access to public service journalism makes NPR an indispensable resource in the media landscape.

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